| Lost and Found |A roll of Kodacolor found in a camera tries to find its way home
A friend of mine picked up a camera for me at a thrift store in Albuquerque. Inside I found a roll of Kodacolor film. I spent some time and money getting the film developed in black and white (it was cheaper than processing it in color) and scanned in high resolution.

Now I would be interested in finding out the story behind these eight photos. My guess is that the photos were taken in the early 70's based on the types of cars that are in the photos.

Here is what I know:
1. The camera the film was in is a Kodak Brownie Flashmite 20.
2. The film roll was still on the spool, but rolled up.
3. One location I can tell for sure is Carlsbad Caverns National Park. The sign is in the last few photos so my guess is that they lost the camera there.

If you know anything else please help me out.
Thanks to some great work by a friend I have found the location of the VW Bug and the shopping center in the first photo. Both are located in Juarez Mexico. The VW is still parked there today, see it HERE. The shopping mall on the other hand is no longer, but it used to reside HERE.
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